How to use
Using VitePress markdown
VitePress, the tool used to build this site provides many features to make writing markdown easier.
Visit VitePress markdown extension to discover all possibilities. You can watch this example Vitepress getting started.
Check the official markdown Cheat Sheet to remember basic syntax.
Some simple examples
Use standard markdown
# This is a title
## Subtitle
- list
- list
> quote
Use code blocks to demonstrate examples
function hello() {
console.log('Hello, World!')
Emojis wit :: notation
Custom components
You can use custom components to add more complex content to your markdown files.
Example of markdown :
::: info
This is an info box.
::: tip
This is a tip.
::: warning
This is a warning.
Will output
This is an info box.
This is a tip.
This is a warning.
<Badge type="tip" text="Info" />
Will output
InfoSee VitePress markdown extension for more details.
Adding assets
You can add assets to your markdown files by placing them in the same folder as the markdown file or in a subfolder. Then you can reference them using relative links.
![My image alt](./images/how-it-looks.png)
Start you repo
Check the README of the Github template to see installation and setup instructions.